Cara Giuliano
Director of Youth Ministry
Cara has been involved in the faith formation of teenagers all of her adult life and received her Theology degree from Franciscan University of Steubenville. After teaching Theology at Melbourne Central Catholic High School, she became the Edge Director at her home parish. In 2017, she became the Director of Youth Ministry here at Ascension. With her husband, Matt, Cara is the proud mama of three girls. She loves Jesus, Halo Top ice cream, beach days, and Joanna Gaines.

Andrea Frankowski
Associate Youth Minister
Andrea was born and raised in Slovakia where she received extensive Catholic Formation at Don Bosco Youth-Net Organization modeling the Salesians and simultaneously worked in Youth Ministry.
She now resides in Melbourne with her husband and three boys. Her degree is in Social Work and she has a heart for young people. Her message to the youth is “Be not afraid,” modeled after Saint JPII.